Special Education Law and Disability Law
Advocating throughout the State of Maryland
Many families face tremendous challenges navigating the complex laws and procedures governing educational rights for children and adults with special needs. The attorneys at The Steedman Law Group are dedicated to providing experienced, compassionate legal representation and advocacy to assist in securing equal access to appropriate educational services and supports for all differently-abled individuals.
We provide special education and disability advocacy services and legal representation for the following:
- IEP Meeting Process
- 504 Plan Process
- Identification/Child Find
- Appropriate Educational Placements
- Anti-Bullying Advocacy
- Discipline Issues (Suspension/Expulsions)
- Boundary Exceptions
- Disability-based Attendance Issues
- Home and Hospital Instruction
- Transition Planning
- Dispute Resolution/Mediation
- Due Process Hearings
- MSDE State Complaints
- Appeal Proceedings
- ADA Accommodations
- Standardized Testing Accommodations
- Special Ed Law Presentations for Parents/Community Groups
We serve individuals with a wide range of special needs, including:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Developmental Delays and Disabilities
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Learning Disorders
- Communication Disorders/Speech-Language Impairments
- Intellectual/Cognitive Impairments
- Social/Emotional Disabilities
- Behavioral Challenges
- Physical Disabilities (Orthopedic/ Visual/ Hearing)
- Medical/Health Impairments
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Executive Functioning and Processing Speed Disorders
We serve clients in all 23 Maryland counties and Baltimore City, and have provided advocacy and pro hac vice representation for individuals in numerous jurisdictions outside the state of Maryland, including Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and Florida.
All students have a right to an appropriate education, and every learner deserves an opportunity to achieve meaningful progress and success. At The Steedman Law Group, our mission is helping children and adults open doors to those opportunities.
Our Address:
Bel Air Square
260 Gateway Drive, Suite 11-12 B
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Please join us in welcoming our new Associate Attorney, Olivia M. Miller!
See our Attorney Bio page for details!
Special Education – Judicial Actions – Attorney’s Fees and Related Costs
The Steedman Law Group celebrates the efforts of the special education advocacy community and the Maryland General Assembly in sponsoring and passing House Bill 1237. As of July 1, 2023, parents of students with disabilities may be entitled to reimbursement for the costs of expert witnesses, in addition to reimbursement of reasonable attorney fees, if they prevail in legal proceedings involving the special education needs of their children.
This law will help to address the inequitable impact of the 2006 decision in Arlington v. Murphy, when a majority in the Supreme Court interpreted the IDEA’s provisions for reimbursing parents’ reasonable attorney fees and related costs to exclude fees paid to experts who testify on the parents’ behalf. Now, parents in Maryland who find it necessary to challenge a school system’s decisions regarding the identification, evaluation, placement, and provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education to their children with special needs are a step closer to achieving the “level playing field” that Congress intended.
Click link below for full article:
Ed Department Earmarks $224 Million To Improve Transition For Students With Disabilities
Check out this article from Disability Scoop: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2023/04/11/ed-department-earmarks-224-million-to-improve-transition-for-students-with-disabilities/30324/

Bel Air Square
260 Gateway Drive, Suite 11-12 B
Bel Air, Maryland 21014